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Friday, March 5, 2010

The day when my world stood still

"When you have nothing left but God, then for the first time you became aware that God is enough." - Maude Royden

Two months ago, my world seems to stop. My days are endless. The time seems to pass slowly. All I wanted to do is for this feeling to end A.S.A.P. But the more I make it go away, the more it stayed in my heart..

The person whom I loved the most has left me. The person I thought that would stick with me through everything has said good bye.

I never thought our relationship would end this way. Although I must say, we've been arguing for almost a year, but it never occurred to me that he'll be the one saying good bye.

He said he didn't need me or love me anymore. Those very words created a mark in my heart. I can still feel pain whenever I remembered them. I think it'll take time before those marks will be clear again.

To be honest, I know I contributed a lot for this event to happen. I became insensitive of his feelings, I became selfish of his time. I became self-centered.
I still miss him. I'm still hoping that one day, he'll come back to me, and we'll start all over again.

The day when everything seems to be out of control and painful, is also the day that God has shown his mercy and love for me. I know I'm not worthy for His mercy and kindness but because God is a God of love, He extend his hand to me.

I cried almost everyday. I cried because I lost someone whose so dear to me. I cried because I'm not use to being alone. I cried because I knew way back then, that I can't survive without my ex beside me.

But, Christ has changed all my perspective. He also changed the way I feel. He changed the way I think.. At first, I thought praying for God's assistance and mercy is not enough for me to go on. True. It's not enough for me just to ask Him what he can do for me. It's not enough for me to just ask God to do his part without me doing anything on my end as well.

For me to really feel the changes in my life. I know I have to do something as well. And the first thing I did was, accepting Jesus as my savior. Accepting Him as my redeemer. My dear friend has thought and offered me this wonderful knowledge.
I'm so blessed to have a friend like her.

Jesus Christ not only uplifted my spirit, He also gives me strength to moved on. He takes away all the pain in my heart. And every time I feel pain or sadness, He's always there to carry me.

Today, my life, although not as happy as before, is more meaningful and complete. I realized who are my true friends, I realized who are ones who really love me. And I realized that whatever problems life might give us, we always have a loving Father and Savior that is 24/7 available to redeem and carry us.

God is all we need.

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